Two ways database performance affects #WorkingFromHome [IT and COVID-19]
Feeling the pressure about database performance when your co-workers are WFH? Run benchmarks now and auto-optimize your SQL statements.
Feeling the pressure about database performance when your co-workers are WFH? Run benchmarks now and auto-optimize your SQL statements.
Keep your working-from-home database developers productive. Info on your Toad for Oracle license rights and steps for connecting to remote databases.
DBAs and developers are measured against speed and quality of work. Learn about tools to stay effective no matter where “work” is located.
Pinal Dave discusses DevOps, SQL Server performance monitoring & tuning in Monthly Mentor on-demand webcasts from Quest.
Access these free DBA training courses, presented in three, self-paced classes—specifically for database administrators.
Learn how this customer could have saved two man-days of troubleshooting with this one feature of Toad for Oracle.
Self-paced classes—specifically for database developers—on using key features like: PL/SQL Profiler, SQL Optimizer, PL/SQL Debugger, and Code Tester.
Gain not only a clearer picture of how to migrate your Oracle databases to the cloud but also insight into balancing cost and performance.
Access this free training course. Automation Designer, Script Manager, Schema Browser, Object Compare, and Query Builder are just a few of the features you'll learn about.
Watch this Quest Software and IOUG webcast on demand. Learn how you can make database changes faster, safer and prevent deployment delays.
Read how this Toad for Oracle customer achieved hero-status when she saved her company an $40,000 and reduced a query-run time from 13 hours to 16 minutes.
Watch this on-demand webinar and learn how to migrate your Oracle databases to AWS —while mitigating cost and risk so there’s minimal impact to your business.